143 Million Orphans

It’s still stuck in my head that number. 143 million. That’s seriously A LOT of orphans. That’s as many people as live in all of Russia! Or in Great Britain and Germany together. It’s over 6 times as many people as live in Australia. It’s too big a number to really understand, and in many ways it’s making it even harder to figure out where to start. What can I do to help and make a difference? I’m not at a stage of life where adoption is a possibility (yet), and I most certainly will never be able to adopt 143 children!

When I was a kid I wanted 20 children – at least! Then I learned how children ‘arrived’ and figured I might have to revise my plan. That was when I first thought about adoption.

Right now many families (though probably far from 143 million) are in the process of adopting children from all over the world. I admire them. One day I hope to be like them too!

However, you don’t have to adopt to help! There’re still many things you can do to help an orphan or a family in the process of adopting. Even if you can’t possibly find the space and money to adopt 143 million children, you can still make a difference!

– You can make a donation to a child on Reece’s Rainbow. (Or through any other adoption agency you know and trust)

– You can advocate for a child, tell your friends about him/her and post his/her story on your blog or facebook.

– You can help the families who have committed to adopting a child by donating to their adoption through Reece’s Rainbow.

– You can spread the word, tell your family, friends, and colleagues about orphans, and show them that even the tiniest gesture will make a difference for a child.


Don’t they deserve a family too?



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