Category Archives: Writing

Miss Catherine vs. The World, part two


Miss Catherine vs. The World – as seen from Ash’s point of view. As you might have guessed, I like playing around with the story and seeing things from different characters’ perspectives.

Starring down on the half-read book the brown eyes of Ashton Bennett eagerly searched down first one page, then another. Long, sunburnt fingers quickly flipped through the pages. Once in a while they would suddenly came to a halt, only to grip a pen nearby, scribble down a sentence or two and then eagerly go back to turning the pages in the book.

The 15-year-old was so completely occupied with his work that he didn’t even hear the dinner bell.

If one didn’t know him, they might come to the conclusion that he loved reading… But they could hardly be more wrong. It wasn’t that Ash hated reading, he just never really enjoyed it. He never had. Will had tried and tried to make him interested. He had given him books for his birthday, he had recommended the most thrilling stories with mighty kings and brave heroes, he had spent hours and hours reading for him when he was little, and he had even lent him his most treasured books, the ones no one else even got to touch. But what did it do for Ash? Ash loved the stories his older brother would share with him, he loved the pictures in his books, he loved hearing him read about ancient kings, dangerous dragons and countries far, far away. But reading? Nah, Ash had never really liked reading.

Tonight, however, he was not just reading. He was researching. His big interest was, and had always been, animals. In any shape or size. For the last year and a half he had had the pleasure of being the official assistant of the Master of Animals at school, and whenever there was a problem which required further research, Ash was there on the spot. Nothing was ever too simple or too small an issue for Ash, he would give everything his full attention. Tonight the problem involved the diet of a young sparrow in Ash’s care, a little fellow who seemed to have a broken wing.

Ash flicked through the book in front of him and looked through the notes on the page next to him. He nodded slightly. This was it. After dinner he would go to the animal inclosure where the sparrow was kept safe in one of the aviaries and sort out some food for his new patient. Talking of dinner… Ash looked around the dormitory and listened.  Not a sound was to be heard…


He was late for dinner again.

Quickly folding up the note on his table, the boy stood up and left the room with a speed that nearly knocked over his chair. He rushed down the stairs and through the corridors. It couldn’t have been long since the bell? Surely it could be no more than five past! Passing through the front corridor Ash read the big clock, 6.17. He cursed under his breath. He couldn’t afford another detention. Not tonight. No with the sparrow.

Just as he rounded the last corner he saw the door open and a younger girl stride out with a scowl on her face. The sight made Ash smile and, despite being in a hurry, he slowed down.

“Hey Cath! Up to no good, are you?” He spoke as he came up next to her.

Cath quickly looked up and gave him a rather dark scowl with her brown eyes. He could see she was not in a good mood, but as for why… he could only guess.

“Mind your own business, Ash.”

Her voice was cold, but Ash knew her well enough not to be put off by her words. He liked Cath O’Ryan. She was a strong and opinionated girl with a fiery temper, but she was also loyal and kind. When she wanted to be. She sometimes came and helped with the animals, but he hadn’t seen her for a few weeks. It wasn’t that he knew her very well, though. She never talked much, at least not to Ash, and often that younger friend of hers, Annie, was with her. He knew her brother quite well, though. Nate was a good kid, and though he didn’t help with the animals as often as his twin, Ash enjoyed his company.

Turning away towards the door to the dinning hall Ash gave Cath a bright, though slightly teasing, smile. She was looking away, but he had already seen her cheeks grow slightly red after her last reply to him. Ash giggled quietly. If there was something Cath O’Ryan didn’t like it was something potential embarrassing.

Opening the door to the dinning hall Ash chuckled.

“High spirits as always Miss O’Ryan!”

Then he went into the hall and quietly closed the door behind him. Maybe no one would notice him entering late…?

Miss Catherine vs. The World


Here is a tiny piece of a story, which for the for the most parts still only lives in my mind… At the moment I’m exploring the different characters, their personalities and relationships with each other.

This tiny bite is showing Miss Catherine in a not so pleasant mood. I’ll add more tiny bites along the way.

She wasn’t in a good mood at all today. It had started out alright in the morning, but what did that matter now? Everything was ruined. Simply ruined. English had been fine. She was good at that and always got top marks, and hadn’t it been for that annoying Stephen McCoy the lesson would have been great. He was just a pain that boy. She hated him! Then after English had been art, which Cath loved, but that had been suddenly cancelled and instead they had had to suffer to the stern and boring voice of the French teacher. And to make matters worse she had decided to take the opportunity of this extra lesson to hand out a test. Just brilliant!

Then lunch had come. A well deserved break from lessons and a chance to relax. But no. Today a meeting in Year 4 and 5 had taken up half the break. As if Cath could care less for some silly charity show for orphans! … Well, she did care, but that was not anyones business! And after that ridiculous excuse of a break, double math…and yet another test. It was almost as if they were really trying to ruin her day!

Cath frowned and pushed her plate aside. It was no use really, she wasn’t hungry. Standing up she focussed her eyes on the big wooden door at the end of the hall and with swift movements made her way across the floor and out into the corridor. She let out a heavy sigh. Finally alone…

“Hey Cath! Up to no good, are you?”

Dark brown eyes spun around and faced the speaker. She scowled.

“Mind your own business, Ash.”

The words came out harder than she had intended, and she could feel a slight heat burning her cheeks, but the older boy didn’t seem to mind. He flashed her a grin as he made his way into the dinning hall.

“High spirits as always Miss O’Ryan!” Ash chuckled and closed the door behind him.

The 14-year-old shock her head but despite herself she couldn’t help smiling slightly. As bad as the day had been she couldn’t keep grumbling all night. Right?