Tag Archives: dish cloth

Another Day of Creativity

The other day I made something for myself!

This wash cloth now lives in my kitchen and I already love it! It’s made with 100% cotton, it whipes my tables perfectly and is soft to touch. It was super easy and quick to make with a simple granny square pattern and a small edge around.

I made a few dish scrubbies with Acrylic yarn as well, as it is a little more rough, andΒ  I have lots of it! They all scrub very well and were so quick to make that I made one for my Zibbet shop as well. I decided to make that one a flower – I do like cute things. πŸ™‚

Please come visit me at my shop! πŸ™‚

My Zibbet shop: Betty Crafts

Have a great day!

Teddy Bear coaster and kitchen scrubbies

I decided to take a little break from the bag I have been working on the last few days and instead focus on something a bit smaller. Here’s the finished results:

3 scrubbies – perfect for cleaning your kitchen or bathroom. 100% acrylic, great for cleaning, easy to maintain:


Teddy Bear coaster. Cute as can be! πŸ™‚

The idea for the Teddy Bear coaster is hugely inspired from http://www.crochetspot.com/free-crochet-pattern-teddy-bear-coaster/ (The page was down the day I started working on this little guy, so I didn’t see the full pattern till later, but what a great idea! πŸ™‚ )

Both the scrubbies and the Teddy Bear coaster can be found in my shop at Zibbet. Feel free to have a look!
