Tag Archives: garden

A visitor and bunnies

I thought you might like to see this. The last few days we’ve had a visitor in our garden.

It’s a Tawny Frogmouth! I’ve never seen one this close and I think it might have an injured wing. It does do a bit of hunting at night and our cats haven’t been trying to hunt it, so that’s good!

Oh, and our little bunnies are growing so much! Aren’t they cuties? 🙂


A little glimpse of something pretty :)

It is getting clear that summer is on the way, and I thought I would celebrate with a few new photos of our lovely pot-plant garden 🙂

A few of the flowers didn’t like winter too much, but hopefully they’ll come around with a bit of love and care. I’ll probably go and get a few little new ones in the near future, too. Yay for flower shopping! Hehe 😀

One of our lovely kitty cats was also enjoying the sunshine on the decking 🙂

A few pics from my little garden

Here’s a few pics from our beautiful little pot-plant garden on the decking. They were taken last summer when they were a bit more flowery and colourful than right now…

Enjoy 🙂

The chairs and cute little table are presents from my fiance’s parents. With the growing amount of plants on the decking, we don’t have much space, so they are the perfect size for us 🙂